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Fridge / Freezer Drawer: 1 - 10 of 10
Leisure LC5527F Freezer Drawer Front Cover - 385 X 180mm
Genuine spare part
Please Note: Confirm the dimensions listed below as this part can fit in various locations depending on your model. Please Note: This replacement... More information
Leisure LC5527F Crisper Cover Edge Profile
Genuine spare part
Keep your fridge crisper shelf free from damage with this genuine replacement Edge Trim! This replacement sits at the edge of the crisper glass shelf... More information
Leisure LC5527F Fridge Glass Shelf - 410 X 255mm
Genuine spare part
Dimensions : 410 X 255 mm If you have been left unable to make full use of the storage capacity inside your fridge, because you currently have a broken... More information
Leisure LC5527F Crisper - Small
Genuine spare part
Dimensions (HxWxD in mm): 180x223x264 Salad bins are one of the least visible parts in your fridge, and can sometimes be subject to neglect or damage.... More information
Leisure LC5527F Drawer Body
Genuine spare part
Height: 180 (mm) If you are storing your frozen food in a drawer that is damaged, it could cause further problems. A cracked drawer could lead to... More information
Leisure LC5527F Drawer Body
Genuine spare part
If you are storing your frozen food in a drawer that is damaged, it could cause further problems. A cracked drawer could lead to bags of food being... More information
Leisure LC5527F Drawer - Zero Degree Seperator
Genuine spare part
If you are storing your frozen food in a drawer that is damaged, it could cause further problems. A cracked drawer could lead to bags of food being... More information
Leisure LC5527F Ice Bank Shelf
Genuine spare part
If you are noticing your ice bank shelf is not operating the way it used to. Fit this part and you could get yourself problem free with no further... More information